General Tab
Structure Name/Number:
Enter or change the designation for the structure.
Alt Name/Number:
Enter or change an alternative designation for the structure.
Survey Name/Number:
Enter or change the field survey designation for the structure.
Street or road names are useful here to help locate the pole later in Reports.
Structure Owner:
You can choose from any of the previously defined Organizations via the Data Manager.
This value is for the elevation of the groundline of the structure. If there is a value in this field, it should be measured in the same way as any other pole or anchor. Quick Pole does not need a value relative to sea level or any other specific measure. Quick Pole will only be looking for differences in elevation values between other items in the project. So as long as all elevations are measured the same way, Quick Pole will analyze the poles properly. An empty field is valid and is treated as a 0.0.
Structure Type:
Only Wooden Poles, Concrete Poles, Steel poles and Composite poles are enabled at this time. Different manufacturers of Concrete, Steel and Composite poles are treated like separate species for wooden poles, in that different dimensions (internal and external), modulus of elasticity and strength are possible. If you don't see your desired manufacturer listed, simply find the required physical parameters for the manufacturer's poles and forward to Sonideft for inclusion in the next release.
Line Grade:
Select the highest Line Grade appropriate for where this pole is located or in proximity. This setting indirectly also sets whether the CSA or NESC standards will be applied to this pole.
Soil Type:
Select the type of soil believed to be surrounding this structure.
Structure set on top of rock:
If Soil Type is rock, Quick Pole can treat the structure as being set on top of the rock (assuming appropriate hardware). Otherwise it is grayed-out. This assumes that a Rock Mount Anchor is used to hold the pole upright on top of the rock formation. The default is that the structure is set a certain depth into the rock.Analysis Results are provided so that the Rock Mount Anchor can be suitably sized.
This button will open a Pictures Window that will display any corresponding pictures for this Structure.
This button will open a Notes Window that will display any corresponding pdf formatted notes for this Structure.
Design Notes:
Enter any notes here that relate to how this pole was modeled for design and analysis purposes.
Make Ready Notes:
Enter any notes here about what is required to "Remedy" or "Make Ready" the structure to support existing or proposed attachments. These notes are available in report format for the entire project through the Analysis -> Project Reporting tab.
Single Pole Structure tab
Pole Species:
For wooden pole types, the species of the wooden pole can be selected from the full list of wooden pole species available in ANSI 05.1.
Concrete pole types have a slightly different pole class system. You find your desired pole by locating the manufacturer first, then by model number. Steel poles are similar, but without a class system.
In feet, pole length choices range from 25 to 100 feet. Changing the Pole Length from one size to another also has the added feature of optionally adjusting the attachment heights for all attachments by the net difference (pole length - depth of setting). This is expected to be a very common scenario where a pole line is created in Quick Pole and the pole is proven to need additional height for road crossings or other clearance issues. A pop-up Dialog will appear to ask you if you wish this to be done for you. Automatically moving all attachments higher is expected to be a time saver, most of the time. A note appears in the Dialog to remind users that they should re-validate the desired attachment heights.
Pole Class:
Classes H1-H6 and classes 1-7 are available choices.
Year of manufacture:
If you know the year or manufacture date of the pole, select the appropriate year from the drop down list.
Pole Top Extension
If the Pole has a Pole Top Extension installed on top of the pole, select the appropriate length here.
Physical Attribute Entries, Calculated and Default values:
For the over-ride fields, the default values are based on the minimum size pole (for the class) being set to a Normal Depth of Setting. The calculated values for Depth of Setting and Height above ground will adjust automatically to any entries in the Height above ground and Depth of Setting fields respectively. The calculated value for Ground-line Circumference will reflect a default (minimum size) pole based on the over-ridden depth of setting value. This enables a comparison with the actual value measured in the field with the actual depth of setting; given that the pole's circumference varies along its length.
Pole Top is Cut
If it is known that the Pole's top is or will be cut, enter the amount cut off here.
Pole Bottom is Cut
If it is known that the Pole's bottom is or will be cut, enter the amount cut off here.
Depth of Setting & Height of Structure above ground-line:
These two entries are available to help set the same thing "How much pole is embedded in the Soil". The reason two methods are available is to support users' different ways of gathering the same data. If you find the stamp on the pole noting its class and species, you can measure from that point to the ground to determine the Depth of Setting. This is possible because there is a standard as to where this stamp should be relative to the butt of the pole (10 feet for a 40 foot pole, for example...). See ANSI 05.1 or CSA -015 for more details. You may also have a desired setting depth for new poles that you want to use.
The "Height of Structure..." entry can be used if you have a measurement of the pole's height above ground in the field. This can be acquired easily along with attachment heights if a laser height measuring or similar device is used.
Ground-line Circumference:
This field is optional, but allows you to evaluate the pole based on actual pole circumference as opposed to the minimum value calculated based on the pole class alone. This can result in the pole having more strength capacity than the pole class alone would predict. The circumference at the top of the pole is not assumed to change, only the bottom circumference. The top circumference stays at the minimum dimension possible in the pole classing standard for that species and class.
Analysis Settings tab
Specify Wind Direction
This setting will over-ride the worst calculated wind direction to be applied to this pole. Quick Pole has an algorithm that automatically determines the worst wind direction. For "what if" analysis by the Designer, Quick Pole allows you to over-ride this value. Enter the direction that the wind is coming from, using North as 0 degrees and East as 90 degrees; exactly like the Work Plan Area's orientation.
Analysis Method
- Linear - Linear analysis
- Nonlinear - geometric nonlinear analysis
- Nonlinear + Load Nonlinearity - as above but with structure deflections allowing the wire tensions to change.