The Help Menu provides access to a number of functions you may find useful if you are having difficulty or are looking for some more information or explanation.


Help Contents

 This brings up Quick Pole’s internal Help System. There you can search the Help System on what you are looking for, or simply browse different sections by Topic.

User Manual

 This brings up the entire contents of the Help System in a pdf document and opens it directly for you. You can choose to save, print or anything else that your pdf viewer allows you to do. You may find it convenient, for example, to print out a section or topic to refer to while you are working with Quick Pole.

Quick Pole will ask your computer to open this document with the default program assigned for this type of file (.pdf). This manual has an indexed Table of Contents where you can go directly to the page of interest by clicking on the page number.

There are also a set of bookmarks embedded into the document that provide another method of browsing the content.

Your PDF Viewer may have a different way of displaying bookmarks than shown above.

Quick Pole on the Web

This menu choice will automatically open your default Internet browser and open up Quick Pole’s Home Page. There are different articles and information there that you may find useful.

Report Issue

 In the unlikely event that Quick Pole fails to do what you expected it to do, or it presents you with a serious error, you can use this menu choice to tell Sonideft what happened and what you were doing at the time. Sonideft will get back to you with a possible work-around suggestion and/or a time line as to when to expect a full resolution.    

Since Quick Pole keeps an internal log and reports internal details about most problems, this Dialog allows you to copy the current and the previous log file generated by Quick Pole. The “Copy the Log File for Pasting” copies the content in the middle of the Dialog to your computer’s clipboard. The second button “Prepare Email” attempts to launch your default Email software and prepares an Email to us. In the Email, please describe in your own words and provide contact info so that we can discuss the issue further with you, or to communicate when it has been found and repaired. After that, paste the contents of the clipboard into the body of your Email. This is usually done with the key sequence CTRL-V or a menu item edit->paste; or similar. Then send the Email to us and press the OK button to close this dialog.
Since some errors can be related to your computer, it is suggested that you save your files and restart your computer; in case that provides some immediate relief.

License Manager

 This option is used to install a License initially or to gather information on your current license for Quick Pole. This menu item brings up the License Manager Dialog

Check for Updates

This menu choice forces Quick Pole to check to see if there is a new program update available. If there is, you can download and install it right away. Quick Pole does this check on a regular basis according to the update frequency you have selected in your preferences every time it starts up, but does not install the updates until the next time Quick Pole restarts. It is good practice to shutdown Quick Pole at the end of each day to ensure you always have the latest program updates and to help ensure project files do not get corrupted.


This brings up the common “About Dialog” that shows information about the current version of Quick Pole, some directory settings and some information about your computer.