Reinforcing Stubs
In this section, reinforcing stubs or trusses are evaluated. These are most applicable to tangent pole lines and serve to add additional strength to resist wind loads and/or to extend their service life.
The tests are similar to the Point Loads except only a single direction is necessary to test and forces only are sufficient at one height. Only one type of support (reinforcing stub) is tested as that should be sufficient to test the ability of software to include fastened additional strength members.
Point load separate tests required:
- 10KN force at 0.6m from the top of the pole.
- 45-4 Western Red Cedar main pole
Results to be collected:
- Deflection at points of load application
- Stresses at points of load application and groundline
Reinforcing stub shall be a Western Red Cedar class Z (Pole Density=800Kg/m^3, Modulus=7.72GPa, Max Stress=38.61MPa). Length shall be 13ft, set 3ft (0.9144m) in the soil and bolted to the pole in the same direction as the applied Point Load. Circumference=48.5 inches. The fastening mechanism is assumed to adequately bond and enable it to share the same loads as the main pole.