Single Pole Structural Analysis
This section should assess all the fundamental abilities of a single pole structure to respond to the applied loads, assuming all connected structures do not deflect. Changes to wire tensions as the assessed pole deflects are not considered in this section.
For each of the tests detailed in this section, the poles shall be assessed using both Linear and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis, unless otherwise noted.
The poles should cover weak and strong varieties of the material categories considered, and covering average and tall heights. Specifically:
- Wood poles
- 45ft class 4 and H1 Western Red Cedar (Pole Density=800Kg/m^3, Modulus=7.7221GPa, Max Stress=38.61MPa)
- 70ft class 3 and H1 Western Red Cedar
- Concrete poles
- 45 ft Stresscrete class D and class J
- 70 ft Stresscrete class E and class L
- Steel poles
- 45ft IUSI GX5 and SX3 poles
- 65ftr IUSI GX5 and EP2 poles
- FRP poles
- 45ft RS-Poles models RSP-45-123 and RSP-45-6789
- 70ft RS-Poles models RSP-70-12345 and RSP-70-56789
All poles to be set at 10% length + 2ft in very stiff soil (soil class 1), or otherwise assumed fixed at the groundline.
The tests are ordered to consider fundamental response ability first. If discrepancies appear in the most basic tests, it is likely that the more advanced tests will also show discrepancies.
Data to be used in most tests:
- Standard guy (7/16" size 10, Grade 1300. Dia=10.8mm, Weight=5.49N/m, RTS=88 KN)
- Anchor type (2500 cm^2” crossplate, 1” rod – 160KN, soil class 4, RTS=89KN)
- Power conductors:
- Urban config (50m spans and less)
- (3) 336.4 ASC Tulip (5800N @10C),
- Neutral 1/0 ACSR Raven (4000N @10C),
- Secondary 1/0 ACSR WP Bamboo (3840N @10C).
- Rural config (60m+ spans)
- (2) 1/0 ACSR Raven AW(4090N @10C)
- Double crossarms for all corners. Corners 60 degrees and greater use double-deadend framing. No vertical framing considered.
- Messengers:
- Size 8 Grade 1300 5/16” (stringing tension 9300N @ 16C)
- 0.4m vertical spacing.
- Urban config (60m spans and less)
- 900-24 Cellfill (Telus Dataset), (2) 100-24 Cellfill
- 900-24 Cellfill (Telus Dataset), (2) 100-24 Cellfill
- Rural config (60m+ spans)
- CATV750
- 100-24 Celseal, 50-22 Celseal
- 144 LT Fibre, 24 LT Fibre
- Other than Point Load tests, Load factors will be at CSA Line Grade 2 values:
- Vertical=1.5
- Transverse=1.3
- Longitudinal=1.3