Point Load Response
This section evaluates the response of a pole by itself to loads, as a precursor to tests where it interacts with other components. This test is very similar to real life scenarios of wind load on tangent pole lines, but will be limited to just one load. The primary focus of this test is to confirm accurate displacements in response to loads and not just accurate pole stresses. This is important as the overall flexibility of the pole to deflect has a significant impact on the response of pole-connected items such as guy wires, plus wire attachment loads when load nonlinearity is considered. Only a Linear Analysis is required for this test.
The focus of this category of tests is to confirm that the basic pole model behaves as expected to create the correct deflections and stresses from known input loads. Testing both deflections and stresses are critical in evaluating if Pole Loading Results "reasonably represent how a real pole behaves". In addition, the amount of stress created for a specific amount of deflection is a key indicator that the "Stiffness" of the pole segments are accurate. The relative stiffness of the pole segments in relation to the location of the applied loads, determines the pole's behavior along its length (stresses & deflection). The tests listed here will validate that these assembled pole segments do in fact come together and are modeled accurately enough to provide reasonably accurate results.
The application of increasing point loads near the top of the pole is to test the linearity of deflection response to linearly increasing loads. The application of multiple Point Loads and the introduction of bending moment loads tests the linkage behavior between the elements and their proper response.
Point load separate tests required:
- 10KN force at 0.6m from the top of the pole
- 20KN force at 0.6m from the top of the pole
- 30KN force at 0.6m from the top of the pole
- 10KN force at 0.6m from the top of the pole and at 8.0m
- 10KN-m bending moment at 0.6m from the top of the pole and at 8.0m
Results to be collected:
- Deflection at points of load application
- Stresses at points of load application and groundline
Direction of Point Load tests should vary to confirm modeling accuracy at 0,90,180,270 degrees.