Organizational Groupings
For maximum flexibility, all sets of information are organized by Company or Organization. The name of the dataset can be anything you want. Most common usages are to identify company/manufacturer specific items, data import collections, or anything you want.
This Window Tab starts by presenting a listing of the different Organizational Groupings stored in Quick Pole's database. For each Organization it provides some basic statistics on the number of data items stored, how many projects reference them and some quick information on span length settings. The User category is preloaded just for you to store anything you wish for your own personal or temporary use.
If the Organization is "Master" or "Example Power Utility", it is managed by Sonideft and you will see the "View" button enabled. Otherwise the same button will show and allow you to "Edit". Add and Edit provide the following Dialog for changes. Using the View button produces the same Dialog except changes are not permitted (read-only).
The three span measurements are used in conjunction with Preferred Wires for this particular Organizational Grouping. They represent the maximum span lengths that are associated with different stringing tensions of the item. The "Lowest Temperature to Evaluate" represents the lowest design temperature you wish to use in your evaluations. The lower the temperature, the higher the maximum wire tensions will become. Quick Pole defaults to -30°C. In general customers in Northern climates will want lower temperatures for this value than customers in Southern climates, relatively speaking. The "Load Logo" button is used to load a corporate or Organizational logo, which is useful for different locations of Quick Pole..
If the organizational grouping has a minimum clearance requirement, enter it in the field provided. An organizational grouping can refer to other entities, regulations, standards or land owners with requirements. Fictitious example: Michigan Department of Transport Controlled Access Highway.