This section covers single-deadened poles in a typical joint-use configuration. No load nonlinearity is considered.

This is an Urban configuration as described in the start of this section. Wires will be exposed to 400 Pascals of wind pressure and 12.5mm of radial ice accretion at -20C, perpendicular to the line.


  1. Poles
    1. 45-2 WRC pole
    2. 45 ft Stresscrete class D
    3. 45ft IUSI GX5
    4. 45ft RS-Poles model RSP-45-123
  2. Span lengths
    1. 25m
    2. 60m
  3. Anchor lead configurations
    1. 12m/10m
    2. 10m/8m
    3. 8m/6m
    4. 6m/4m
    5. 4m/2m
  4. Analysis methods
    1. Linear
    2. Geometric Nonlinear

Pole types may be adjusted to higher strength poles after/when the first set of results come in, if most results are highly overloaded or unstable. The desire is to evaluate real scenarios up to their limit and a little beyond.

Results to be recorded:

  • Pole results at guy locations and groundline
    • Forces & moments (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz)
    • Stress value and % utilization
  • Pole top deflections
    • Lateral X dir
    • Lateral Z dir
  • Guy results
    • Tension
    • % utilization
  • Anchor results
    • Tension
    • % utilization