Quick Pole utilizes projects that are stored as a file, which can be stored or read from anywhere that the User's computer has access. It is recommended that all Quick Pole project files be stored and read from network-accessible locations that are backed-up on a regular basis. Alternatively you could backup your own project files on a regular basis from your own computer; if that is where they are stored.


The suggested way that teams of Designers and Engineers can collaborate on the same projects is for the project being stored and retrieved from Network Files Systems that are available to all users. Only one person at a time should edit or make changes to a project file, as the project file will be over-written by the last person saving the project. For this reason, it is suggested that very large projects should be broken down into manageable sizes so that only one person needs to be making changes to it at the same time. Project sizes of 20 to 30 poles is quite common, while projects containing 150 poles or more can also be made. The choice of project size is a personal or corporate choice. Larger project sizes have fewer poles at their boundaries that may be common with other projects, but will take a little longer to run the Analysis.