In addition to the previously noted User Interface improvements, some internal changes were made as well to improve analysis performance and accuracy.
In particular, structures that utilized the "Attachment Load Nonlinearity" feature may see some small changes. We evaluated many sample projects and found a large reduction in the number of iterations to calculate a result, plus an overall increase in accuracy. Quick Pole monitors accuracy in the calculated result through the "nodal force imbalance" report at the end of the analysis.
When reviewing the results of these sample projects and comparing the results between version 6.71.146 and 6.72.xx we found that while some reported no change in pole utilization %, poles using the "Attachment Load Nonlinearity" feature averaged about 5% of change. We also found that in all cases where Quick Pole reported it could not provide an accurate analysis, it now could.
While this change in analysis results is unfortunate, we have analysed the comparison results very carefully between the versions and believe this new version provides improved accuracy in all cases. To re-certify Quick Pole we have re-run all the certification tests, as documented on our website under Resources->Knowledge Topics with success. While Quick Pole is always trying to improve itself in quality, accuracy and features, projects using the "Attachment Load Nonlinearity" feature should not notice any further pole utilization % changes in the future.