Load Nonlinearity redesign - QP 6.74.49

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Load Nonlinearity redesign - QP 6.74.49

Unread postby Sonideft » Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:26 am

Over the last few versions since 6.74.45, we have tried to adjust the convergence algorithms related to load nonlinearity; since we received reports of some poles where Quick Pole could not find a solution and reported back that the pole was unstable.

A different approach has been implemented in this update that appears to solve even the most difficult poles we tested. Results have been re-verified for load nonlinearity, and you should find that they match the Spatial Nonlinearity chart in the Sags & tensions Calculator when given the same load conditions and structure deflections. This should be considered a mandatory update for users of load nonlinearity.

In addition, the default tolerances of measurement used for detecting on-pole, in-span and ground clearance/separations are now available for a user to adjust to their own preferences. These adjustments can be found via the Tools->Options menu under General Quick Pole settings. Sonideft's recommended defaults of 2 inches is used unless different preferences are set.

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