QP Update 6.74.08 - Span Profile improvements

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QP Update 6.74.08 - Span Profile improvements

Unread postby Sonideft » Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:59 pm

In this update, several improvements to the Span Profile have been made.

1) You can now have ranges of clearance settings. For instance, if you place one clearance point on one side of the road and another on the other; plus have both set to the same clearance requirement (road, pedestrian, etc), Quick Pole will recognize the area between those two points as all having the same clearance requirement.
2) The clearance requirement line no continuous from one structure to the other, increasing or decreasing at defined clearance points. Previously only the span's default clearance requirement was indicated. This makes it easier to review the clearance requirements for the span.
3) More than one attachment can have a maximum sag point visible in the span, if applicable. At times, the lower attachment wires can cross each other or sag differently such that at different points of the span, a different wire could be the lowest to ground level.
4) Line of Sight clearance tests are now tested at every point in the span and may, in some special cases, be more accurate than previous formula calculated values.

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