QP Update 6.73.17 - User and IKE Enhancements

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QP Update 6.73.17 - User and IKE Enhancements

Unread postby Sonideft » Sun May 05, 2019 11:27 am

In this mini-release, several features have been added to help with common tasks and to continue improving the usage of IKE Data Collection devices.
1) Measured Height photos have been added to the list of images imported from IKE data collections. These images are the ones that have the heights annotated on top of the original images. As before, once an IKE import is done, all images are available by pressing the Pictures button at the top right of the Structure Editor window.
2) Customers have asked for the option to ignore the elevation/altitude of poles during the import of IKE data. This is now added as a question that pops up near the start of the import. Anchor and other vector measurements are not impacted, just the poles. Users can then later edit the elevations manually, as required, in the Coordinates Editor (preferred).
3) Selection options on the Plan View have been expanded. You can now right-click in the window (not on top of anything) and get the option to select all Pole-to-Pole Spans or all Pole-to-Building Spans. Also, you can now right-click on a pole/structure and be able to select either all poles or all spans on that pole's street. The Street field should be populated for this feature to work best.
4) In the Plan View, the various Layer controls have been grouped into one Button showing drop-down choices, to help reduce visual clutter in that window.
5) All drop-down choices for Wooden Pole Species will now include the abbreviation typically seen in the Pole Stamp, for easier selection. This change also impacts the drop-down choices available in the IKE Form generated by Quick Pole.
6) A Multi-Span Details Editor has been added to enable the same change to be propagated across many spans at the same time. Working with the added selection options listed above, this feature should be a great time saver for a lot of users. Simply select more than one span and right-click on the Span to open this Editor. You will be able select from many groupings of wire attachments across all the spans selected, grouped by Wire Type, Voltage setting (if applicable) and Tag identifier. For any grouping listed, you can change the Wire Type, Tag value, Tension Settings or the cables attached to messengers. Any changes will be propagated to all spans and attachments that match the grouping selected. Undo/Redo is also immediately available after the changes are made.

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