QP Update 7.04.17 - Structure Editor enhancements

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QP Update 7.04.17 - Structure Editor enhancements

Unread postby Sonideft » Sun Nov 24, 2024 9:32 am

In this update, there are three new features in the Structure Editor Window:

1. The item's voltage setting or interpretation is now clearly shown
2. Guy wires are now able to be suppressed from a structure's analysis. This may be useful in special cases, where guy wires are not actually required to support the pole, but used for less priority features such as services only; which cannot withstand full wind load cases. This should be used with caution and the understanding/acceptance of service guying failures if all load cases actually occur, on existing (not new) pole lines.
3. The Notes field/column is now fully enabled to use with any item.

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