Pole Sequence Loading Feature released

Quick Pole News
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Pole Sequence Loading Feature released

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:54 am

A new feature has been added to Quick Pole to assist in adding poles to existing pole lines or projects. Given a known starting point and direction, you can now add a sequence of poles by just knowing the next span length and any deflections of Line Angle (off tangent) for the pole line. Here's how it works:

Select any one pole to start with your mouse. Select a second pole plus at least one more and then perform a right-click on any of these poles. A new menu option has been added to the top of the list called "Pole Sequence Load/Edit..." This will bring up a Dialog that allows you to add and edit the span lengths and angles of all poles past the second pole you selected. You can move this Dialog to the left or right and see the new poles or pole positions change as you edit each one. For those users who capture existing pole data using span length and angles, this new feature should prove very useful.

To make things even better, you can follow this same procedure to EDIT the location and pole line angle of an existing series (sequence) of poles as well.

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