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QP 7.04.09 - Multiple User Feature Additions

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:46 am
by Sonideft
1. Similar to another recent feature addition, you can now add Buildings connected to existing pole structures by specifying distance and bearing. The elevation is initially assumed equal to the pole it connects, and can be adjusted afterwards if necessary.
2. Pole Brace analysis has been improved. Messages are generated that detail both the compression and tension load case scenarios (if present). Compression results are detailed, plus summarized as %utilization; which now appears in the Structure Attachments table. If the Pole Brace fails due to tension, a recommendation is provided to provide additional soil holding strength.
3. It was brought to our attention that the cable bundle calculation for two attached cables could be improved. This has been done and will result in slightly lower weather loads, in this scenario only.
4. Wire definition support for duplex, triplex, quadruplex, Spun Buss and their "Field lashed/wrapped" counterparts has been added to the Data Manager. The difference between the two is in how the initial stringing tension is applied. In the "Field lashed/wrapped" scenario, the neutral conductor is strung to initial string tension and then the added weight of the attached cables is added. In the other case, the entire assembly is tensioned at once.
5. Copying multiple structures has been improved. The biggest change is how structures are copied and pasted from the SAME design. They will always be pasted 300 meters to the north and to the east, plus have "(Copy)" appended to both their pole number and their street name. This helps ensure that the pasted structures are likely to not interfere with the existing structures. These pasted structures will all be set to "Movable" as well. The Move feature has been improved so that you can select a number of structures and move them as a set, anywhere you want. To facilitate this, if reselecting them is difficult, you can go to the Street with "Copy" indicated and choose to select all structures on that street. You can then just hold the left mouse button down on one of the selected poles and drag the set to another location.