IKE and Sonideft collaborate on Field Data Collection

Quick Pole News
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IKE and Sonideft collaborate on Field Data Collection

Unread postby Sonideft » Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:12 am

IKE and Sonideft have been working closely to optimize the Field Data Collection process and data import process into "Quick Pole" for Pole Line Design purposes.

Sonideft have long since supported the most advanced Pole Line Design data collection form on the IKE device. Since no other product on the market performs both an in-span and at-structure code compliancy review, Quick Pole's data collection form has always been more advanced than other tools that just use data for structural analysis purposes.

Today we are proud to announce that IKE has made Quick Pole's data collection forms readily available for any IKE customer. Simply contact them and they will upload them into your IKE Office area for download into your IKE hand-held field data collection units. With these forms, you don't just get something to use in your field device. These forms have been optimized already to include a minimum of drop-down choices that a field data collector should be able to recognize with great efficiency; regardless of the territory they are in. This is significant because you should be able to use one data collection form to collect data anywhere on planet earth and import that data into Quick Pole. This reduces all the administration, configuration and related inefficiencies in adapting to different pole owner territories; such as generating different handheld forms with different client files. All adaption to local conditions is easily addressed by Quick Pole during data import.

The one thing you may need to do when selecting the appropriate Quick Pole form (we have a few themed ones), is to review the options it provides and consider if you wish certain questions to be visible or hidden in the field. This relates to how your project processes operate and the data they require. In general this should be a one-time review in IKE Office.

Quick Pole forms are organized by theme with the most common end-user options selected:

1) Pole Line Design (typical options for structural analysis, sags & tensions, clearances, at-structure and in-span national code compliance
2) FTTH Design - collect data in a way that supports the design of a Fiber To The Home cable network.
3) Underground/Buried design - collect both underground (ducts...), access points, splice locations, etc.
4) All - to support any combination of the above.

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