Import adjustments - 6.74.50

Quick Pole News
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Import adjustments - 6.74.50

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:01 am

A couple of enhancements have been implemented to help make the import process of IKE/JSON and SQLite data files more efficient.

Within the wire categories of Power, Communication and guy wire types, Quick Pole will now remember the last chosen dataset/organization to match against and also whether the wire type is "Preferred" or "General". This should save time from having to reselect these choices in the Dialog each time.

Also a reminder that Quick Pole will pose a question to the user for each item it cannot identify exactly and store your answer for future matching. For instance, the wire owner and the description is used to search all of your existing datasets for a possible match. This means that you have the option of trying to create more exact matches on these two items, by trying to align the import data; and possibly creating additional datasets for Quick Pole to find and attempt a match.

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