Terrain types now supported - version 6.74.42

Quick Pole News
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Terrain types now supported - version 6.74.42

Unread postby Sonideft » Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:05 am

For CSA, NESC, GO95 national standards, Quick Pole now supports different types of Terrain; which in turn has an impact on wind loading.

The geography of a project covered by Quick Pole can vary from that where wind is typically recorded and estimated for your purpose; primarily and airport type of terrain with few obstacles. If your project is more exposed than that, such as alongside a lake, you should tell Quick Pole about this by selecting a different terrain type. If your project area is more sheltered than a typical airport scenario, you have the option to choose a more sheltered terrain type. The result will be less wind loading on the structures.

In accordance with the national standards listed above, these terrain type options do not impact the deterministic weather load cases defined (e.g. CSA Heavy, NESC Heavy...) as those load cases are defined by a set wind pressure value, not a wind speed.

By Terrain type and for all standards, Quick Pole will also make adjustments for attachment heights above 10 meters (33 feet), to represent the higher winds at greater heights above the ground. Quick Pole adjusts the required formulas for each national standard, as they are slightly different. Adjustments for span lengths are also included, but are expected to be a minor factor for distribution lines.

What is not covered are wind speed increases that are possible by rapid changes in geography/elevation or funneling effects. National standards also exclude guidance on high intensity winds such as tornadoes. These are left to the judgement of the designer. ASCE Manual 74 is suggested as a good reference for this topic.

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