QP 6.73.94 Update - Sags & Tensions Calculator

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QP 6.73.94 Update - Sags & Tensions Calculator

Unread postby Sonideft » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:06 am

In this update the focus was the Sags & Tensions Calculator, plus a few User Interface glitches that have been reported.

Specifically we have added a chart that plots the Stress/Strain curves for the wire, as well as the Creep curves. Both can be seen as the polynomial coefficients in the "Wire Parameters" tab. Visually most people can relate better to see that the Stress/Strain curve is not perfectly straight, even for steel. All wires will stretch to some degree and this is critical to understand if you want accurate clearance or tension values. The slope of the curve at any point is called the Tangent Modulus of Elasticity, as it varies along the curves.

Hopefully with this extra visual display, users that are keenly interested in this area will be able to relate better to what Quick Pole does for you while also looking at relevant technical literature such as Southwire's "Overhead Conductor Manual".

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