Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | AttachmentKey | INTEGER | |
AttachmentSpanKey | INTEGER | ||
AttachmentType | TEXT | Type of attachment: Communications, Power, etc.. | |
SourceHeight | REAL | Height above groundline | |
TargetHeight | REAL | Height above groundline | |
WireDescription | TEXT | Description of wire attachment | |
WireOwner | TEXT | Name of the wire owner. Used to locate details based on wire description |
WireSlack | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | Is wire slack? | |
WireNotes | TEXT | Any notes about description or otherwise about this wire | |
AttachedToCrossarm | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | ||
InsulatorType | TEXT | Description of Insulator, if any | |
SourceEccDist | REAL | Source End: Distance from side of pole. Units in meters or feet, depending on units chosen. |
SourceEccAngle | REAL | Source End: Relative to the center of the pole, enter direction in degrees of wire support. |
HeightAbsolute | NUMERIC DEFAULT true | Is the height absolute? That is, are crossarm and insulator heights already included in the value? |
LashingWireIssue | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | Does this attachment have a lashing wire issue? | |
SpecialMountingNotes | TEXT | Any special notes about how this attachment is supported or connected. |
WireMeasuredBundle | REAL | If taken, enter the diameter of the wire bundle measured. Units are cm or inches, depending on units chosen. |
MidSpanheight | REAL | Measurement of wire at approximately mid-span, above groundline |
Voltage | INTEGER | Voltage, Phase to Ground in volts | |
IsMGN | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | If wire is used as a neutral as part of a multi-grounded neutral system, this value is true. | |
IsMGNLowCurrent | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | If voltage is 0 volts and wire is a neutral (MGN) and the projected current under normal operating conditions (not fault) is expected to be less than 1/3 of the wire's rated ampacity, this value is true. | |
IsVoltageDC | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | This value should be true for DC voltages and false(default) for AC voltages. | |
TargetEccDist | REAL | Target End: Distance from side of pole. Units in meters or feet, depending on units chosen. |
TargetEccAngle | REAL | Target End: Relative to the center of the pole, enter direction in degrees of wire support. |
AttachedToStrut | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | Set to true if this attachment is connected to a strut. | |
StrutHeight | REAL | Height of sidewalk strut, if present | |
StrutLength | REAL | Length of sidewalk strut, if present. Leave blank or 0.0 and a value will be calculated for guy wires to ensure the strut's length extends from the side of the pole to exactly above the connected anchor. | |
Indexes | |||
pk_Attachments | Primary Key ON AttachmentKey | ||
Foreign Key | |||
Fk_Attachments | AttachmentSpanKey ↗ ❏ Spans(SpanKey) | ||
Referring Foreign Key | |||
fk_cable_attachments | AttachmentKey ↙ ❏ Cable(CableAttachmentKey) |
Cable attached to an Attachment
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
CableOwner | TEXT | Owner tag for this cable and/or the dataset name where cable details are stored | |
CableDescription | TEXT | Descriptive text to be used when searching for cable details | |
CableAttachmentKey | INTEGER | Index that links to the Attachment it is connected | |
CableNotes | TEXT | Placeholder for any notes that should be stored with this cable | |
Foreign Key | |||
fk_cable_attachments | CableAttachmentKey ↗ ❏ Attachments(AttachmentKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | CivicAddressKey | INTEGER | |
CivicStructureKey | INTEGER | ||
CivicNumber | TEXT | Civic number of dwelling served | |
CivicStreet | TEXT | Street on which this civic address is located | |
CivicNotes | TEXT | Any specific notes about this specific civic address | |
Indexes | |||
pk_CivicAddresses | Primary Key ON CivicAddressKey | ||
Foreign Key | |||
Fk_CivicAddresses | CivicStructureKey ↗ ❏ Structure(StructureKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | ClearancePointKey | INTEGER | |
ClearanceSpanKey | INTEGER | ||
DistanceFromSource | REAL | Distance from Source Structure | |
ClearanceElevation | REAL | Elevation at Clearance Point | |
MeasuredHeightComm | REAL | Measured Height above groundline | |
ClearanceType | TEXT | Type of Clearance requirement (ex. Street, pedestrian, etc.) | |
IsMaxSagPoint | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | Is this point at the maximum sag point of the wire? | |
MeasureHeightLowestPower | REAL | Measured height of the lowest power wire at this point | |
MeasuredHeightCommAbove | REAL | Measured height of the Communications wire above | |
MeasuredHeightCommBelow | REAL | Measured height of the communications wire below | |
ClearanceNotes | TEXT | Notes | |
ClearanceItemType | TEXT | Used to identify specific items at this point (Splice case, slack loop, service tap...) |
MidSpanStructureKey | INTEGER | ||
Indexes | |||
pk_ClearancePoints | Primary Key ON ClearancePointKey | ||
Foreign Key | |||
Fk_ClearancePoints | ClearanceSpanKey ↗ ❏ Spans(SpanKey) | ||
Fk_ClearancePoints | MidSpanStructureKey ↗ ❏ Structure(StructureKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | CollectionKey | INTEGER | |
CollectionID | TEXT | Identifier for this collection (optional) | |
schemaVersion | INTEGER DEFAULT 1 | Version of schema that this collection is based upon | |
metric | NUMERIC DEFAULT true | Are all measurements in metric? | |
NorthCorrectionRequired | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | If a regular compass was used for hardware direction, a correction to true north is required. |
Datum | TEXT | Datum | |
Zone | TEXT | Zone | |
Indexes | |||
pk_FieldProject | Primary Key ON CollectionKey | ||
Referring Foreign Key | |||
Fk_Structure | CollectionKey ↙ ❏ Structure(StructureCollectionKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | HardwareKey | INTEGER | |
HardwareStructureKey | INTEGER | ||
HardwareDescription | TEXT | Description of the hardware item | |
HardwareDirection | REAL | Direction in degrees of where the hardware item is pointing/facing. Assumption is that a compass was used. |
HardwareQuantity | INTEGER DEFAULT 1 | Number of items | |
HardwareOwner | TEXT | Owner of the Hardware. Used to locate details of this item | |
HardwareHeight | REAL | Height of the Top Bolt holding this hardware item, above groundline |
HardwareBottomHeight | REAL | Height of the lowest part of the hardware item, above groundline |
HardwareNotes | TEXT | Any specific notes about this item, such as voltage, KVA rating, etc.. |
Indexes | |||
pk_Hardware | Primary Key ON HardwareKey | ||
Foreign Key | |||
Fk_Hardware | HardwareStructureKey ↗ ❏ Structure(StructureKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | SpanKey | INTEGER | |
SourceStructureKey | INTEGER | ||
TargetStructureKey | INTEGER | ||
SpanClearanceType | TEXT | Type of least demanding clearance requirement in span (ex. Street, pedestrian, etc..) |
SpanType | TEXT | optional description of span | |
SpanVegetation | TEXT | Notes about vegetation management issues in this span | |
SpanPictureBaseDirectory | TEXT | Base directory or url where span pictures will be kept | |
SpanPicture1 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture2 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture3 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture4 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture5 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture6 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture7 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture8 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture9 | TEXT | ||
SpanPicture10 | TEXT | ||
SpanNotes | TEXT | Notes related to this span | |
Indexes | |||
pk_Spans | Primary Key ON SpanKey | ||
Referring Foreign Key | |||
Fk_Attachments | SpanKey ↙ ❏ Attachments(AttachmentSpanKey) | ||
Fk_ClearancePoints | SpanKey ↙ ❏ ClearancePoints(ClearanceSpanKey) |
Idx | Column Name | Definition | Description |
* | StructureKey | INTEGER | |
* | StructureCollectionKey | INTEGER | Database linkage field. Set to collectionKey being entered/loaded |
Polenumber | TEXT | Set as the Survey Pole number | |
PoleID | TEXT | Set as the main pole number | |
AltPoleID | TEXT | Set as the Alt pole number | |
PoleTagImage | TEXT | Filename for the picture of the pole tag | |
PoleStampImage | TEXT | Filename for the picture of the pole stamp | |
PoleOwner | TEXT | Name of the Pole Owner | |
HeightAboveGround | REAL | Distance from groundline to top of the pole (meters or feet, depending on units selected) |
PoleInspectionYear | INTEGER | Year of last pole inspection (eg. 2009) | |
AirTemperature | REAL | Air temperature at day of field data collection (Celcius or Fahrenheit, depending on units selected) |
PoleNotes | TEXT | Any notes you'd like to record about this pole. Other notes fields exist for specific purposes |
PoleDamageNotes | TEXT | Note any damages to the pole such as woodpecker holes, chunks taken out of pole, fire damage, broken crossarm, etc. |
PoleSafetyNotes | TEXT | Any specific note or caution related to public or worker safety for this pole. |
InfrastructureType | TEXT DEFAULT "Pole" | Type of item collected. Default is Pole. Many other types available |
GLcircumference | REAL DEFAULT 0 | Circumference of pole at groundline (cm or inches, depending on units chosen) |
PoleDiameter | REAL DEFAULT 0 | Diameter of pole at groundline. Better measure than GLC if risers present. (cm or inches, depending on units chosen) |
PoleUsage | TEXT | Optional Notes about how pole is used, such as Tangent Pole, Stub Pole, etc.. |
PoleCondition | TEXT DEFAULT "Good" | General comment about pole condition. Examples: Good, Poor, Damaged |
PoleTransfersRequired | TEXT | If pole transfers are pending, describe the attachment and/or attachment Owner that has transfers pending. |
PowerVGroundPresent | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | Is there a Hydro vertical ground present on this pole? (Yes/No) |
CommVGroundOwner | TEXT | If there is a vertical ground used by one or more communication attachments, describe its condition and what is bonded to it. |
AllCommsBonded | NUMERIC DEFAULT true | Are all communication attachments (messengers/hardware) bonded together? (yes/no) at this pole |
PoleLashingWireIssue | TEXT | If there is a lashing wire issue at this pole, specify which span and the attachment owner here. |
SwitchHandleBonded | TEXT | If there is a mechanical power transfer switch controlling primary wires on this pole, identify if the switch handle near ground level is bonded or grounded. |
AllPowerUGuardsBonded | TEXT | If there are Uguards over conduit/riser/power cables and they are metal, record if all of them are bonded or otherwise grounded |
ACATagPresent | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | ACA tag is an example of a pole marked for replacement. Is this pole marked for replacement? (yes/no) |
PoleVegetationMgmtReqd | TEXT | If vegetation management is an issue at this pole, record the appropriate notes |
AllStreetLightBonded | TEXT | If there are streetlights at this pole, record notes about whether they all appear bonded or otherwise grounded. |
PredefinedBoltHoles | NUMERIC DEFAULT false | This is an indicator if holes for new potential attachments are supposed to use holes already created in the pole. Examples would be concrete or steel poles with manufactured holes at specific locations. |
GuyWireIssueAtPole | TEXT | Record notes about any guy wire issues at the pole. | |
RiserGuardIssue | TEXT | Record notes of any riser guard issues at the pole | |
DateCollected | NUMERIC DEFAULT sysdate | Date of field data collection | |
GISLongitude | REAL | Assumed Datum/zone is WGS84 to convert long/lats to Collection Datum/zone entries |
GISLattitude | REAL | Assumed Datum/zone is WGS84 to convert long/lats to Collection Datum/zone entries |
Elevation | REAL | Elevation for the base of the pole, anchor rod, etc | |
Street | TEXT | Street or similar description of the route this structure is on | |
PoleSpecies | TEXT | Species of wooden pole, or pole manufacturer | |
PoleClass | TEXT | Class of pole or Type of anchor. Any supplementary details | |
Pole Type | TEXT | Examples: Wood, Concrete, Steel, etc.. | |
BasePictureDirectory | TEXT | Base directory or url where pictures for this structure are located | |
Picture1 | TEXT | ||
Picture2 | TEXT | ||
Picture3 | TEXT | ||
Picture4 | TEXT | ||
Picture5 | TEXT | ||
Picture6 | TEXT | ||
Picture7 | TEXT | ||
Picture8 | TEXT | ||
Picture9 | TEXT | ||
Picture10 | TEXT | ||
Picture11 | TEXT | ||
PoleHeight | REAL | Height of pole marked on pole stamp, in feet. | |
InstallYear | TEXT | Manufactured pole date/year marked on pole stamp. For age purposes, this is also the assumed year of installation. | |
AnchorEyes | TEXT | If structure is an anchor, the number of guy wires supported by anchor rod. | |
AnchorRodSize | TEXT | If structure is an anchor, the diametewr of the anchor rod. | |
AnchorRodType | TEXT | If structure is an anchor, the type of anchor rod. Examples would be forged or threaded head; which can help determine anchor details. | |
AnchorRefID | INTEGER | Structure ID of the pole this anchor is attached. Required if anchor's position is relative to this pole | |
AnchorRefBearingDegrees | REAL | Bearing of Anchor from reference structure | |
AnchorLead | REAL | Lead of anchor from face of pole structure | |
AnchorRefVertPitch | REAL | Vertical angle in degrees for the anchor rod head from the base of the pole struicture | |
Indexes | |||
pk_Structure | Primary Key ON StructureKey | ||
sqlite_autoindex_Structure_2 | Unique Key ON StructureCollectionKey | ||
Foreign Key | |||
Fk_Structure | StructureCollectionKey ↗ ❏ FieldProject(CollectionKey) | ||
Referring Foreign Key | |||
Fk_CivicAddresses | StructureKey ↙ ❏ CivicAddresses(CivicStructureKey) | ||
Fk_ClearancePoints | StructureKey ↙ ❏ ClearancePoints(MidSpanStructureKey) | ||
Fk_Hardware | StructureKey ↙ ❏ Hardware(HardwareStructureKey) |